This event is exceptionally planned for the Tuesday before Christmas, not the last Tues of the month as is the norm.

Charles McLachlan is the Founder of Future Perfect, a community of CEOs and senior executives,  and of the Christian Social Impact Network.

Charles will draw on his own experiences of failure to explore a number of themes :

  • The power of shame
  • How we come to justify failure as good
  • Why we explain failure away
  • Whether failure is always redeemed
  • What does the process of grief tell us about our response to failure

Jamie MacAlister is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Kingdom Business Pioneers Forum
Time: Dec 21, 2021 01:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 4418 6124

Blonay Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 04548122 at Blonay House, 6c Briarwood End, Highwoods, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9SE.
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