How often do you pause and listen to what God has to say to you about your business? 

BizMin is a 10-week course, where you can explore with other Christian business leaders how business done God's way can become a fruitful ministry and a deeply satisfying life's work. The course is a fascinating balance of affirmation and challenge for many of the business leaders who have completed it so far. 

It is run on Zoom so you can join from wherever you are and each session lasts two hours. The cost is £150 for the 10 weeks and includes a practical reference and workbook in pdf form. Hardcopy workbooks are also available at a small additional charge for those who prefer them.

You can get more details at the Christian Business Leaders website at:

Blonay Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 04548122 at Blonay House, 6c Briarwood End, Highwoods, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9SE.
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