A recurring theme in our discussions over the past year has been whether believers approach impact investing any differently from other investors... or more specifically, what role does faith play in assessing the risk of investments?

A related question is whether we recognise the concept of Kingdom Investment. Are we really talking just about giving, where we are not expecting a return in this life, at least not a financial one... at least not directly related to the giving.

We know about the shortcomings of aid in relieving poverty,  and the advantages that a profit-making business can have in solving social issues in a more sustainable and scaleable way. So is there a case that investing in high social impact Kingdom businesses that may be risky, and may or may not generate a financial return to the initial investor, has a theological basis as another way of investing in the Kingdom, akin to giving?

If you are interested in this, please join us for an initial one hour online facilitated brainstorm session.

Jamie MacAlister is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83791129840

Meeting ID: 837 9112 9840

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