
Category: Technology

Nov 23 Forum: "Flex Marine tidal turbines"

David Mummery, Founder and CEO, shared with us.
28 Nov 2023
Members only

Dec 22 Forum: "What listening to God is, and what it isn't?"

David White, Founder & CEO of Netriver Systems Ltd, talked to us about the blueprint he received from God for pioneering anti-fraud technology
20 Dec 2022
Members only

Apr 22 Forum: "Blockchain: a tower of Babel phenomenon?"

Mark Preston, Senior Director of Partnerships at Compassion UK, shared some thoughts and started a fascinating discussion on the Blockchain
26 Apr 2022
Members only

Mar 22 Forum: "Pioneering African technology to tackle Modern Slavery globally"

Quintin Lake, CEO, Fifty Eight, told us his story of setting up a business to tackle Modern Slavery, with technology from "Refactory" Uganda
29 Mar 2022
Members only

"Pioneering Leadership"

Report summarising results of research interviewing 26 pioneers from Europe, Middle East and Africa
15 Jul 2021
Members only
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